This job was very demanding, and took a few months to get done. It was done in stages, and the 2 hardest trees were left till last. Working with the electricity dept was very challenging, as they seem to have no motivation to do their job.
Our first attempt was in May 2010. I personally arranged for the lines (4 in totals) to get switched off. It was supposed to get turned off at 09:00 till 16:00, giving us enough time to work. The people who were suppose to turn it off only arrived at 11am, and did not know where to turn it off. Once the power was off, we only had a few hours in which to do the work. Not enough time to do it, so then we had to leave it. On top of this, the electricity dept did not warn the residents that the power will be off, and there was numerous people complaining about us cutting the trees down, making our job very hard.
The trees had to come down because their tops had big cavities, and was hanging over the power lines.
After months of organizing, I managed to arrange once again to get the power switched off, and get the residents warned in time. Once again the electricity dept did not really do their job, and made it very hard for us to do our job, but in the end, we managed to finish the work.